Renegade Photography

Longer focal length camera lenses, like those used in 4x5" photography, demand a greater degree of control over Depth of Field.
Also, unlike 35mm camera lenses, a Large Format lens may provide no indication of Depth of Field at various aperture settings.

Here are a series of (.GIF format) graphs to help you control Depth of Field and perhaps take sharper images.

hyperfocal distance

50mm near field
50mm far field
80mm near field
80mm far field
90mm near field
90mm far field
100mm near field
100mm far field
105mm near field
105mm far field
127mm near field
127mm far field
135mm near field
135mm far field
150mm near field
150mm far field
180mm near field
180mm far field
210mm near field
210mm far field
265mm near field
265mm far field

bellows correction factor

Technical Notes
- These graphs were derived from Photographic Lenses Tutorial by David Jacobson.
- The constant c (Circle of Confusion) was taken as 0.03mm, typical for 35mm photography.
