WordPress Shortcode Dynamic Tables

I searched high and low for a WordPress plugin to display dynamic table data from my databases on my WP sites. I store a lot of data, with frequent updates, using the Postgresql relational database management system (RDMS). This post explains using WordPress shortcodes to query a database and display table data so your posts are always current. Tables can be displayed inline anywhere in posts and pages where you can insert a shortcode. This method was developed on a site running the Gutenberg block editor (WP v5.2.1 ) so don’t be shy, give it a try.

Custom shortcode functions could be developed as a simple plugin but I chose to add this PHP shortcode function in the functions.php file of my child theme. The HTML output defines a CSS class i.e. <table class=”pg_table_query”> for easy styling to compliment your theme.

The pg_table_query shortcode takes 2 arguments; (1) sql query and (2) text title displayed as a table caption.  An example Gutenberg shortcode entry is shown below.

example shortcode block entry

Loading the page/post produces the table shown below. CSS styling, also in the child theme, centers the table caption and highlights header data.

table generated from database using shortcode

The shortcode function pg_table_query_func coded in PHP below is written in the functions.php file of my child theme.

function pg_table_query_func($atts) {
$atts = shortcode_atts (
‘sql’ => ‘select * from quote_day_r;’,
‘title’ => ‘table title’
), $atts, ‘pg_table_query_func’ );
$host = “host=db_host”;
$port = “port=5432”;
$dbname = “dbname=my_db”;
$credentials = “user=db_user password=my_pwd”;

$db=pg_connect( “$host $port $dbname $credentials”) or die (“no database connection”);
$ret = pg_query($db, $atts[‘sql’]) or die (“query failure”);
$output .= ‘<table class=”pg_table”>’.”\n”;
$output .= ‘<caption>’.$atts[‘title’].'</caption>’.”\n”.'<tr>’;
for($i=0; $i<pg_num_fields($ret); $i++) {
$output .= ‘<th><b>’.$fieldname.'</b></th>’;
$output .= ‘</tr>’.”\n”.'<tr>’;
for($row=0; $row<pg_num_rows($ret); $row++) {
$output .= ‘<tr>’;
$result = pg_fetch_row($ret,$row);
for($col=0; $col<pg_num_fields($ret); $col++) {
$output .= ‘<td>’.$result[$col].'</td>’;
$output .= ‘</tr>’.”\n”;
$output .= ‘</table>’.”\n”;

return $output;
add_shortcode (‘pg_table_query’,’pg_table_query_func’);

The related CSS style code:

table.pg_table {
color: #070707;
border: 1px solid #070707;
vertical-align: middle;
border-spacing: 0px;
line-height: 1.2;
width: 100%;

.pg_table td, tr, th {
border: 1px solid black;
text-align: center;
font-size: 12px;

.pg_table caption {
display: table-caption;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 18px;
padding: 5px 0 5px 0;